Nr. 26 (2023): On Materiality, Re-storying and Collaborative Future Making • Vol 26
On Materiality, Re-storying and Collaborative Future Making • Vol 26

On Materiality, Re-storying, and Collaborative Future Making explores the intersection of methodologies between materiality and collaborative future making. Re-storying refers to the process of critically examining hegemonic narratives, and reconstructing stories that have been marginalized, erased, or silenced. Materiality and storytelling involve the understanding of narratives and stories as materialized practices and incline the use of tangible objects and physical materials to convey and reconfigure stories and narratives. Collaborative future making involves working together to create actions toward possible better futures. The articles show this process of collective imagination and exploration of alternative futures on the backdrop of the existing. Railways, beaches, buildings, and sandboxes, to name a few, play their roles in devising methods to understand the importance of story-telling and collaboration for making a future.

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