突破困境:“一带一路”视域下的 亚太安全结构改良 / Seeking A Breakthrough: The Improvement of The Asia-Pacific Security Structure From the Perspective of “One Belt One Road” Initiative


  • Zhang Zhaoxi






The U.S alliance in the Asia-Pacific region has exerted significant influence on Asia-Pacific security architecture for a long time. While with the deepening of interdependence among Asia-Pacific countries, the development of regional international relations has outdated the existing security architecture in this region. It is imperative to improve the architecture in that there are plenty of structural hurdles, such as the obsolescence of security concepts, the fragmentation of security mechanism and the dearth of public goods on security affairs. OBOR, which is exemplary as a new multilateral cooperative initiative and has interacted profoundly with the regional security of the Asia-Pacific, holds endogenous relations with the Asia-Pacific security architecture. OBOR could improve the Asia-Pacific security architecture in the following ways: to create a new model of security maintenance in light of the advanced ideas given by OBOR; to design new institutional frameworks which are more normative and effective with mechanical innovations stemming from OBOR; to enrich the security public goods in the Asia-Pacific region under the reference of co-construction and sharing the idea of OBOR. However, the practice of improvement will face tremendous challenges both internally and externally. These challenges should be prudently analyzed and treated in order to better fulfill the co-evolution in the process of the construction of OBOR and the improvement of the Asia-Pacific security architecture, for the promotion of long-termed prosperity and stability in this region.






Research Article