Call for abstracts Volume 11 Issue 1 2021


The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies (IJIS) is again open for submissions. The overall theme of the next issue is ‘Intersectionality’  which will enable previous and current students to display the broad, diverse, and interdisciplinary nature of Global Studies and Social Sciences at Aalborg University. 

The term intersectionality was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw (1991) to describe the specific situation of Black women, who were not only marginalized because of their gender, but also because of their race. The ways in which these ‘categories of differences’ (Davis, 2008) or ‘identity markers’ – race and gender - are intersecting is forming a specific situation for the individual at hand (Davis, 2014). Since then, intersectionality has been applied to other identity markers, such as “sexual orientation, class background, able-bodiedness, national belonging” (Davis, 2014: 22). 

A person’s specific intersectional position is defining how they are socially privileged or oppressed, as each identity marker is connected to power structures (Atewologun, 2018). Intersectionality can therefore be used to describe the overlapping and simultaneity of different (discriminatory) categories and how these are influencing the individual’s experiences. In a racist, patriarchal, heteronormative society, white straight cis men have an easier access to power than BIPoC queer women. Apart from individual lives, the social practices, institutional arrangements and cultural ideologies are also influenced by these power relations between intersections (ibid.). 

The purpose of this issue is to show the importance of intersectionality for international studies. It can be a useful tool to understand for example gender-based persecution, racist securitization policies, and much more. Intersectionality can be used as a method, theoretical framework or empirical case. For this issue, we welcome submissions who consider intersectionality at any point of the research. 


We encourage current master students and graduates of the Department of Politics and Society at Aalborg University to submit articles or essays. This is an excellent opportunity to publish your research and contribute to the aim of making students visible in the larger academic debates.

About the Journal

The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies (IJIS)  is an academic space where students critically engage with theories and issue areas in the social sciences and humanities in an interdisciplinary perspective. Every Issue invites contributions on topical themes (including, but not restricted to, development, globalization, international relations, political economy, regional integration, refugeehood, migration, culture, and history). It welcomes theoretical, methodological, conceptual, or empirical papers.

The IJIS is an independent student-driven and faculty-refereed academic journal based at Aalborg University, Denmark. It was established in 2002 on the initiative of the Study Board of Master Programmes in Development & International Relations (DIR) and European Studies (ES). Presently, the journal is supported by the Study Board for International Affairs under the Department of Politics and Society.


The deadline for submission of abstracts to the current issue is the 10th of February 2021 and is to be submitted by mail to Ariadni Zormpa or/and Rieke Schröder

Abstracts must be a maximum of 300 words including keywords, authors and department affiliation.

The full submission of the articles or essays is expected on the 24th of March 2021. Submissions to the IJIS are subject to a peer-review process to ensure that papers for publications have original or sufficient contribution to scholarship. Each submitted manuscript is evaluated on the following basis:

  • the originality and relevance of its contribution to the field 
  • the soundness of its theory and methodology given the topic
  • the coherence of its analysis
  • its ability to communicate to readers (grammar and style)

 We expect to publish the next Issue of IJIS by June 2021.


We also strongly encourage students to submit reviews of relevant literature, e.g. of books, articles, journals, or other academically relevant knowledge production (podcasts, magazines, social media communities etc.) that you believe should come to the attention of other students. The reviews will not be subjected to the standard peer-review process, and all reviews will be published in the online edition.

Submit a maximum of 500 words, clear reference, theme, authors and department affiliation.

We look forward to receiving many great contributions to this ‘Intersectionality’ edition and hope you will engage in this student initiative.

For more information, visit our online journal at or contact the principal  journal editors Rieke Schröder or Ariadni Zormpa .



Atewologun, D. (2018) “Intersectionality Theory and Practice.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Business and Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-20.

Crenshaw, K. W. (1991) “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color,” Stanford Law Review, 42(6): 1241-1299.

Davis, K. (2008) “Intersectionality as buzzword: A sociology of science perspective of what makes a feminist theory successful,” Feminist Theory, 9(1): 67-85.

Davis, K. E. (2014) “Intersectionality as critical methodology,” In: N. Lykke (Ed.), Writing Academic Texts Differently: Intersectional Feminist Methodologies and the Playful Art of Writing. Routledge: New York. 17-29.