Volume 11 Issue 1 2021: Intersectionality is now published!


The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies (IJIS) is a student driven journal that engages a variety of critical questions from the social sciences and humanities. Its contributors are based in the Department of Politics and Society at Aalborg University, Denmark. Bringing together viewpoints from the Master programs of Development and International Relation Studies, European Studies, China Studies and Global Refugee Studies, the global nature of the research topics becomes visible. 

Therefore, the topic of the IJIS Volume 11, Issue 1 is Intesectionality. The purpose of this issue is to show the importance of intersectionality for international studies. Intersectionality is a useful tool to understand for example gender-based persecution, racist securitization policies, and much more. Intersectionality can be used as a method, theoretical framework or empirical case. For this issue, we welcomed submissions that consider intersectionality at any point of the research.

This Issue has very interesting and valuable contributions of articles and essays.

Please click here to read the Journal: https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/ijis/issue/view/406

We wish you a pleasant read! 

The editors team

Rieke Schröder, Ariadni Stavroula Zormpa, Maria Sierro Fernandez and Kristian Jensen