Vientos de resistencia: Movimientos indígenas y parques eólicos en el istmo de Tehuantepec (Oaxaca, México)


  • Águeda Gómez Suárez
  • Miguel Martínez González



Abstract: The process of constructing a new energetic system is opened, is uncertain and raises dangers and opportunities, but the generation and distribution of the energy has a fundamental paper in the conformation of the human relations. From beginnings of the year 2000, in which it began the development and implantation of wind projects in Tehuantepec's Isthmus (Oaxaca, Mexico) supported by governments and multinational companies, the indigenous peoples zapotecos and huaves (ikoots) of the region they have been mobilized to face them. Stop to what they consider to be a "spoliation", they claim his lands and identity. For many, these forms of counter-hegemonic resistance with an expression of radical democracy that would allow to travel towards new social relations of production in the age of the post-oil. In this paper there are analyzed the virtues and limitations of the route of the indigenous resistance opposite to the green capitalism, to reach a sustainable development.

Keywords: Social movements, wind farms, indigenous, Istmo de Tehuantepec




