Lessons Learned From Industrial Applications of Automated Trucks for Deployment on Public Roads



  • Markus Metallinos Log Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Maren Helene Rø Eitrheim Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institute for Energy Technology
  • Trude Tørset Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Tomas Levin Norwegian Public Roads Administration




automated trucks, industrial automation, heavy-vehicle automation, public roads, sensing, winter conditions


Automated trucks may streamline road freight. While manufacturers and technology developers have long predicted their advent, technical and regulatory challenges persist, and systems beyond SAE level 2 are rare. However, systems at levels 3 and 4 are being adopted on industrial areas. Roads authorities want to study such applications to gain insights into requirements for implementing automated trucks on public roads. Two cases were studied here: Automated stone haulage (1), and automated snow removal (2). Interviews with project managers were used to identify opportunities and barriers, and evaluate the applicability of different technical and organizational solutions, for implementing automated trucks on public roads. Road and winter maintenance are explored, outlining the strengths and vulnerabilities of automated driving systems, and how other adaptations can overcome them. Requirements for pre-mapping, localization and communication are also elaborated. Considerations on control and oversight, and on automation as an enabler for electrification are explored, alongside the importance of change management procedures.


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How to Cite

Metallinos Log, M., Helene Rø Eitrheim, M., Tørset, T., & Levin, T. (2023). Lessons Learned From Industrial Applications of Automated Trucks for Deployment on Public Roads: Article. Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 30, 80–95. https://doi.org/10.54337/ojs.td.v30i.7907