Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generative Technologies For Business Model Design with IDEATe Process: A Speculative Viewpoint


  • Xavier Lecocq University of Lille
  • Vanessa Warnier University of Lille
  • Benoît Demil University of Lille
  • Loic Plé University of Paris Dauphine



Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the more recent generative technologies are disrupting many activities related to strategy and operations within organizations. Business model design is no exception. We define business model design as an iterative process involving a combination of creativity, decisions, and tests, consisting of envisioning and creating a business model (for a brand-new activity) or a new business model (for an existing activity), to change an existing situation into a preferred one. In this paper, we discuss the potential impact of generative technologies on the business model design process, highlighting the opportunities and challenges that these technologies present and suggesting some methods for using generative technologies for business model design.

We build on knowledge about business model design and on documentation from forums, social networks, and media about generative technologies. We also used generative AI platforms to test dozens of prompts related to business model design.

We propose the IDEATe process for business model design and identify six major changes in the process or the outcome of business model design that generative technologies can trigger. We also discuss blind spots and risks associated with the use of generative technologies for business model design. Finally, we advance some functions of generative technologies that may support this process.

Instead of focusing on how generative technologies could change business models, we investigate how these technologies could impact the design of business models. We make propositions to use these technologies properly for business model design.

Author Biographies

Xavier Lecocq, University of Lille

Xavier Lecocq is professor of strategic management and organization at the University of Lille (France). His research is related to business models and to collaboration within and between organizations (networks, open source communities, collaborative innovation, meta-organizations...). He has been published in international journals such as Business History, California Management Review, Long Range Planning, MIT Sloan Management Review, Organization Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategic Management Journal, M@n@gement.

Vanessa Warnier, University of Lille

Vanessa Warnier is professor of strategic management at the University of Lille (France). She is Head of Doctoral Studies at the IAE School of Management. Her research proposes a new approach of resources for management. Vanessa has authored various articles, books and book chapters on resources and business models.

Benoît Demil, University of Lille

Benoît Demil is professor of management science at the IAE de Lille (University of Lille). He obtained his Ph.D in 1998 from the University of Paris Nanterre and ESSEC Business School on organizational behaviour in face of regulation. He is the author of more than fifty publications in the fields of organization, entrepreneurship and strategy. In particular, he has developed his work on the business model as a renewed approach of strategy.

Loic Plé, University of Paris Dauphine

Loïc Plé is IESEG Director of Teaching and Learning and full professor in strategic management. He has a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Paris-Dauphine. He works on the integration of the customer in firms’ business models and on value co-creation and value co-destruction dynamics in service ecosystems. He has published several academic and managerial articles in such journals as the European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Services Marketing, as well as more than 30 case studies.


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Special Issue: The Design of Business Models