A Typology of Business Model Reconfiguration in Incumbent Firms


  • Sarah Kenlind Linköping University
  • Emelie Havemo Linköping University




The purpose of this study is to shed light on patterns of change in incumbent firms and, in doing so, identify different types of approaches to business model reconfiguration (BMR). Drawing on data spanning a 10-year period in the empirical context of mature, low-tech firms in the Swedish wood manufacturing industry, this paper develops a typology of BMR approaches, namely Incremental, Modular, Integrated and Transformational BMR. The paper illustrates the nature of these types and offers several insights into the meaning and significance of each for our understanding of BMR and the design of business models in general.

Author Biographies

Sarah Kenlind, Linköping University

Sarah S. Kenlind is a Senior Researcher at Ericsson IndustryLab. She previously was an Assistant Professor in Industrial management at Linköping University, where she worked closely with the Swedish wood manufacturing industry. Her research interests include context-specific business model changes, with a current focus on sustainable business model and ecosystem design.

Emelie Havemo, Linköping University

Emelie Havemo is Assistant Professor in Industrial management. Her research interests include business model change and sustainability, with a special focus on the role of visualization in business model design and communication.


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Special Issue: The Design of Business Models