How (Sustainable) Business Model Patterns Help Initiating Design for Sustainability


  • Leandro Bitetti University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  • Mattia Bedolla University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland



This study explores the cognitive impact of sustainable business model patterns on initiating design for sustainability, comparing them to traditional patterns. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design with four teams of Master's students in Innovation Management, we assessed how the type of business model pattern cards influences cognitive processes and idea generation during ideation. Our findings demonstrate that sustainable business model patterns significantly enhance cognitive stimulation, promoting a broader perspective on sustainability issues. They excel in integrating all three dimensions—economic, ecological, and social—of sustainable business model innovation within the context of idea generation. This research bridges interpretations of business models as (1) cognitive schemas and (2) formal representations, highlighting the pivotal role of specific visual tools in facilitating sustainable business model innovation. This includes challenging cognitive barriers and fostering a comprehensive approach to sustainable design.

Author Biographies

Leandro Bitetti, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Leandro Bitetti, Ph.D., serves as the Head of the Master of Science in Business Administration with a Major in Innovation Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. His research focuses on the topic of Business Model Innovation from a cognitive perspective, and his work has been published in journals such as Creativity and Innovation Management, the International Journal of Innovation Management, the Journal of Business Models, and Piccola Impresa / Small Business, among others. Leandro Bitetti plays dual roles as both jury member and mentor in various entrepreneurship competitions, as well as in regional and national entrepreneurship programs.

Mattia Bedolla, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Mattia Bedolla, MSc, serves as scientific collaborator at The Competence Centre for Management and Entrepreneurship (CMI) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. His main research interests include business model innovation, organizational ambidexterity and entrepreneurship.


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Special Issue: The Design of Business Models