Published 23-10-2023 — Updated on 20-12-2024
- 20-12-2024 (2)
- 23-10-2023 (1)
- Arthur Prior,
- Robert Bull,
- Jan Łukasiewicz,
- John Lemmon,
- Krister Segerberg
- John Mackie,
- Time and Modality,
- system Q,
- temporal logic,
- modal logic,
- multi-valued logic,
- necessary existence,
- contingent existence,
- unstatable proposition,
- history of modal logic,
- Barcan formula,
- axiomatisation of modal logic,
- completeness proofs for modal logic ...More
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Recently, and as happens from time to time in New Zealand, a typescript of Prior’s turned up. This one was in the personal collection of Oliver Sutherland. Prior typed it in November 1957 and used copies in his senior logic group, an informal research group at Canterbury University. A terse and relentlessly compressed couple of pages, it concerns Prior’s system Q, which even towards the end of his life he was still describing as ‘the true modal logic’. We analyse Prior’s typescript and the issues underlying it, as well as providing an exposition of Q, and an examination of Łukasiewicz’s objections to Q. The article also includes an interview with Prior’s student Robert Bull concerning Q.
- Akama, S. and Y. Nagata 2005. 'On Prior's Three-Valued Modal Logic Q', 35th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL'05), Calgary, Canada, 14-19.
- Akama, S., Nagata, Y. and C. Yamada 2008. 'Three-Valued Temporal Logic Qt and Future Contingents', Studia Logica, 88: 215-231.
- Badie, F. 2021. 'A. N. Prior's System Q: A Review', Логико-философские штудии (Logical-Philosophical Studies), 19: 161-174.
- Bull, R.A. 1964. 'An Axiomatisation of Prior's Modal Calculus Q', Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 5: 211-214.
- Correia, F. 1999. 'Adequacy Results for Some Priorean Modal Propositional Logics', Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 40: 236-249.
- Correia, F. 2001. 'Priorean Strict Implication, Q and Related Systems', Studia Logica, 69: 411-427.
- Lemmon, E.J. 1956. 'Alternative Postulate Sets for Lewis's S5', Journal of Symbolic Logic 21: 347-349.
- ------ 1957. Letter to Prior, 13 December 1957, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. 12189/3; also in Virtual Lab for Prior Studies, 1071.
- ------ 1958. Letter to Prior, 1 July 1958, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. 12189/3; also in Virtual Lab for Prior Studies, 1072.
- Łukasiewicz, J. 1938. 'Die Logik und das Grundlagenproblem', in F. Gonseth (ed.) 1941, Les Entretiens de Zurich sur les Fondements et la Méthode des Sciences Mathématiques, 6-9 Décembre 1938, Zurich: Leemann.
- ------ 1956. Letter to Prior, 20 January 1956, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. 12189/5; also in Virtual Lab for Prior Studies, 945.
- Mackie, J.L. (?), no date. 'An Imaginary Discussion on Time and Modality', Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. 12189/3; also in Virtual Lab for Prior Studies, 923.
- Prior, A.N. 1952. 'In What Sense is Modal Logic Many-Valued?', Analysis, 12: 138-143.
- ------ 1953. 'Three-Valued Logic and Future Contingents', Philosophical Quarterly, 3: 317-326.
- ------ 1957a. Time and Modality, Oxford: Clarendon.
- ------ 1957b. Draft letter, 30 November 1957, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. 12189/5; also in Virtual Lab for Prior Studies, 950.
- ------ 1957c. 'Critical Notice: Logic, Semantics and Metamathematics', Mind, 66: 401-410.
- ------ 1959. 'Notes on a Group of New Modal Systems', Logique et Analyse, 2: 122-127.
- ------ 1964. 'Axiomatisations of the Modal Calculus Q', Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 5: 215-217.
- ------ 1967. Past, Present and Future, Oxford: Clarendon.
- ------ 1968a. Papers on Time and Tense, Oxford: Clarendon. Second extended edition 2003.
- ------ 1968b. 'Modal Logic and the Logic of Applicability', Theoria, 34: 183-202.
- ------ 1969. 'Recent Advances in Tense Logic', Monist, 53: 325-339.
- Prior, A.N. and K. Fine 1977. Worlds, Times and Selves, London: Duckworth.
- Segerberg, K. 1967. 'Some Modal Logics Based on a Three-Valued Logic', Theoria, 33: 53-71.
- Słupecki, J. 1936. 'Der volle dreiwertige Aussagenkalkül', Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie III, 23: 9-11.
- ------ 1939. 'Dowód aksjomatyzowalności połnych systemów wielowartościowych rachunku zdań', Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie III, 32: 110-128. English translation: Słupecki, J. 1971, 'Proof of Axiomatizability of Full Many-valued Systems of Calculus of Propositions', Studia Logica 29: 155-209.
- Sutherland, O.R.W. 2013. Paikea: The Life of I.L.G. Sutherland, Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.
- Wajsberg, M. 1931. 'Aksjomatyzcja trójwartościowego rachunku zdań', Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie III, 24: 126-145.