Published 23-10-2023
- Arthur Norman Prior,
- free will,
- determinism,
- indeterminism,
- foreknowledge
- Jonathan Edwards,
- asymmetry of time ...More
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Indeterminism assumes a central place in Arthur Norman Prior’s invention and development of modern tense logic. Before this indeterminism, Prior was for a number of years a devout determinist. But Prior’s turn from determinism to indeterminism, so important for his mature work, has never been explained properly. This article presents the enigma of Prior’s turn from determinism to indeterminism. We know much about his early determinism and recently have learned more about how he became a determinist, but, apart from the fact that he in the course of the years between 1949 and 1953 became an indeterminist, we know very little about how or why he became an indeterminist and what exactly he then understood by free will and indeterminism. He never explained this himself at any length, but scattered remarks in various texts provide some aid in approaching this issue. We here take a look at some important texts in which Prior writes about the free will to help us a step further toward solving this riddle.
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- Bergson, H. 1950. Time and Free Will, Authorised Translation by F.L. Pogson (First Impression 1910), George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London.
- Findlay, J. N. 1936. ‘Relational properties’, The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, 14, 176–90.
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- Hasle, P. & Prior, M. 2003. ‘Life and work of Arthur N. Prior – An interview with Mary Prior’, in P. Hasle, P. Øhrstrøm, T. Braüner, J. Copeland, A.N. Prior, Papers on Time and Tense, 2nd and Ext. Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 313–36.
- Hasker, W. (1998). God, Time and Knowledge. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Jakobsen, D. & Øhrstrøm, P., Prior, M., Rini, A. Eds. 2020a. Three Little Essays: Arthur Prior in 1931, Volume 3 in the book series, Logic and Philosophy of Time, (Series editors: Per Hasle, Patrick Blackburn & Peter Øhrstrøm), Aalborg University Press. PRIOR3_OA.pdf (
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- Prior, A. N. 1937. “Revaluationism.” Student, 6, 11.
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- Prior, A. N. 1942d. Robert Barclay: Quaker or calvinist?. Unpublished (typed, 15 pp., Box 7).
- Prior, A. N. 1946. The reformers reformed: Knox on predestination. The Presbyter, 4, 19–23.
- Prior, A. N. 1953. Three-valued logic and future contingents. The Philosophical Quarterly, 3, 317–326.
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- Prior, A. N. 2003a. Limited Indeterminism. In P. Hasle, P. Øhrstrøm, T. Braüner, J. Copeland, A.N. Prior, Papers on Time and Tense, 2nd and Ext. Edition (pp. 73 - 79)., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Prior, A. N. 2003b Formalities of Omniscience. In P. Hasle, P. Øhrstrøm, T. Braüner, J. Copeland, A.N. Prior, Papers on Time and Tense, 2nd and Ext. Edition (pp. 39 - 58)., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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