Investigating energy sustainability indicators for developing countries

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Ali Armin Razmjoo
Andreas Sumper


Achieving solutions to energy sustainability requires regular planning and long-term appropriate actions. In this regard, using appropriate indicators are one of the most important and effective solutions. The aim of this study is investigating a set of energy sustainability indicators for developing countries based on SDGs and sustainable energy development index (SEDI) method.
In addition to investigating the SEDI method, we will explore a group of indicators that has a greater effect on energy sustainability and describe it comprehensively. Selecting the SEDI method in this work has two main causes; firstly, this method has
multidimensional attention to energy sustainability and secondly can be a good method to find strong and weak indicators for a country. Also, the relations between selected energy indicators and sustainable development are described in this study. Firstly, we gathered the required data for four years from 2012 until 2015 years from IEA and World Bank and then analysed it. In
conclusion, according to existing data the SEDI ranking of each country will be obtained. Results  show that in comparison with past years, all studied countries intend to achieve a remarkable growth in energy sustainability.

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How to Cite
Razmjoo, A. A., & Sumper, A. (2019). Investigating energy sustainability indicators for developing countries. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 21.