The Socio-economic impact of decarbonising geographical Islands' energy systems

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Nkiru Agu
Nkiru Agu
Dr Gobind Pillai
Dr Dana Abi Ghanem
Dr Stergios Vakalis
Prof. Tracey Crosbie
Dr Xihui Haviour Chen
Dias Haralambopoulos


The impact of the transition to energy autonomy on two geographical island’s local economies, through maximising renewable energy generation and storage, is assessed. The different sectors and activities that impact employment and income generation in the local economies of each of the islands are described. An empirical assessment approach based on the Keynesian Income Multiplier (KIM) is developed and applied using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Data for AHP was collated through interviews with local experts and stakeholders on each island. Gender employment and wage data was used to calculate the impact on female waged employment within the islands’ economic sectors. The analysis conducted showed that the induced local economic impact per unit of electrical energy due to the new RES-based autonomy in all sectors for male waged employment for both islands, exceeds its unit cost (LCOE). While the profits from per unit of electrical energy for the female waged employment only exceeded the unit cost (LCOE) in tourism for La Graciosa, and three other sectors in Gotland. The local economic impact from decarbonisation and 100% energy autonomy is significantly influenced by how the income from this renewable energy is recirculated within the island’s economic sectors, most essentially, tourism. Our findings suggest that strategies for community ownership and training local people to manage renewable energy facilities is necessary to maximise the benefits of the transition to energy autonomy on local communities.

Article Details

How to Cite
Agu, N., Agu, N., Pillai, G., Abi Ghanem, D., Vakalis, S., Crosbie, T., … Haralambopoulos, D. (2024). The Socio-economic impact of decarbonising geographical Islands’ energy systems. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 40, 8–26.
Author Biographies

Nkiru Agu, Teesside UNiversity

1. Study conception and design

2. Data collection 

3. analysis and interpretation of results

4. Draft manuscript preparation

All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Dr Gobind Pillai, Teesside University

1. Study conception and design.

2. Analysis and interpretation of results.

3. Reviewed the results and approved the final manuscript.

Dr Dana Abi Ghanem, Teesside University

1. Data collection

All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript

Dr Stergios Vakalis, University of the Aegean

1. Study conception and design.

All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript


Prof. Tracey Crosbie, Teesside University

1. Critical revision of the article.

All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Dr Xihui Haviour Chen, Keel University



Dias Haralambopoulos, University of the Aegean

All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript


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