From PV to EV: Mapping the Potential for Electric Vehicle Charging with Solar Energy in Europe

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Noémie Jeannin
Alejandro Pena-Bello
Jérémy Dumoulin
David Wannier
Ballif Christophe
Nicolas Wyrsch


The electrification of the transport sector is a key element in decarbonizing our societies. However, energy systems will have to cope with additional electricity demand due to the charging needs of electric vehicles (EVs) together with the integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources. Shifting EV charging during the day can contribute to absorbing photovoltaic (PV) production peaks and limiting the additional demand during peak periods. The EV batteries can then be discharged to the grid or home during the evening or other demand peaks. We developed a new methodology to quantify the flexibility gained from the EV-PV coupling from local mobility habits and local (or decentralized) photovoltaic production. Our approach first focuses on the geospatial modelling of mobility habits across Europe to quantify energy demand for charging. The charging demand is then distributed between residential areas, workplaces and points of interest (shopping, leisure, etc.) to model the spatiotemporal distribution of energy needs. We show and discuss a practical case in Copenhagen illustrating the impact of charging behaviour for three different scenarios. The methodology is implemented as a calculation module in the open-source online geographic tool for energy transition planning, Citiwatts.

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How to Cite
Jeannin, N., Pena-Bello, A., Dumoulin, J., Wannier, D., Christophe, B., & Wyrsch, N. (2024). From PV to EV: Mapping the Potential for Electric Vehicle Charging with Solar Energy in Europe. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 41, 45–57.


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