Drivers of the Sustainability Performance of Induction Stove Conversion Program in Indonesia

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Dr. Retno Wulan Damayanti
Silvia Dhea Safira, ST
Dr. Pringgo Widyo Laksono
Haryono Setiadi, ST.,MEng
Nisa Aqilla Ellenahaya Entifar, ST


In 2022, Indonesia initiated a pilot project to transition from liquid petroleum gas (LPG) stoves to induction stoves, targeting 8.2 million households by 2025. While LPG is considered a clean cooking fuel by the World Health Organization due to its low PM2.5 emissions, this program aims to further reduce CO2 emissions from cooking activities, aligning with Indonesia's clean energy transition and 2060 Net Zero Emission goals. Throughout the program, doubts and criticisms arose among various sectors of society, particularly concerning the sustainability of this program. This research aims to determine and analyze the driving factors that support the sustainability of the induction stove transition program. Five sustainability aspects, namely, economic, social, environmental, technical, and institutional, were analyzed. A total of 315 Indonesian citizens participated as respondents in this research survey. The Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Model (PLS–SEM) method was utilized as the analytical approach for the study. The results revealed that nine factors significantly influenced program sustainability, with the strongest impacts from technology costs (path coefficient = 0.859), contextual factors (0.803), electrical infrastructure (0.792), and community perception (0.773). Economic sustainability was driven by technology costs and business opportunities (0.643), while environmental sustainability was strongly influenced by electrical infrastructure. Post-installation support (0.307) and financial management (0.391) significantly impacted technical and institutional sustainability respectively. These empirical findings improve previous research on the sustainability of an energy transition program, which provides insights for researchers and stakeholders in the energy management field, especially in developing countries, for policy determination and decision-making.

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How to Cite
Damayanti, R. W., Silvia Dhea Safira, Pringgo Widyo Laksono, Haryono Setiadi, & Nisa Aqilla Ellenahaya Entifar. (2025). Drivers of the Sustainability Performance of Induction Stove Conversion Program in Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 43, 5–30.


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