Status for funktionel integration i det østjyske bybånd
Kortlægninger af pendling, indkøbs- og fritidsture.
commuting, leisure, shopping, flow, interaction, mapping, polycentricity, functional urban regionResumé
The paper presents analysis of functional integration in East Jutland, Denmark based on GIS- analysis of commuting, shopping, and leisure trips. For commuting the development over time was described based on register data covering commuting in 1982, 2002 and 2007. For shopping and leisure trips data from the National Travel survey was applied to describe the status of functional integration. The development in commuting between 1982 and 2002 reflects an increasing ‘exchange’ of labour between the cities in East Jutland. The increasing exchange of labour between neighbouring cities continued between 2002 and 2007, but commuting over long distances, crossing the north-south ribbon of dominant cities, declined. Leisure and shopping trips are generally characterised by short distances and small catchment areas to the cities. However, a proportion of the leisure trips are long trips and more frequently connect to the specialised offers of the largest cities. Based on the data it is concluded that a strengthening of functional links between the cities and thus a development towards a functionally integrated polycentric city region in East Jutland is mainly driven by commuting, and to a smaller extend by long leisure trips between the cities.