Regional transport networks and competencies

- a case study of transport chains in the furniture industry of Salling


  • Leif Gjelsing Hansen Transportforskningsgruppen, Handelshøjskolen i København


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

transport chains, regions, transport netowrks, planning, localisation, freight transport


The paper is based on a research project with a focus on inter-firm networks in transport chains and their territorial embeddednes. The furniture industry in Salling, in the western part of Denmark, is characterised by a large number of firms concentrated in a small area. The firms represents a regional inter-firm network and a concentration of a specific activity that influences the transport of input (wood) to and output (furniture) from the local furniture industry. The scope of the project has been to:
- analyse the geography of transport corridors and composition of transport chains related to the
furniture industry
- identify the location of compentencies (organisationally and geographically) in the transport
chains connecting the value chain of the furniture industry in Salling




Hvordan referere

Hansen, L. G. (1999). Regional transport networks and competencies: - a case study of transport chains in the furniture industry of Salling. Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 6(1).