Identification of Timetable Attractiveness Parameters by an International Literature Review


  • Bernd Schittenhelm Department of Transport, Technical University of Denmark & Department of Traffic Planning, Rail Net Denmark



timetable, railway timetable, timetable attractiveness, timetable structure, timetable complexity, travel time, transfer, punctuality and reliability


Timetable attractiveness is influenced by a set of key parameters which are described in this article. Regarding the superior structure of the timetable, the trend in Europe goes towards periodic regular interval timetables. Regular departures and focus on optimal transfer possi- bilities make these timetables attractive. The travel time in the timetable depends on charac- teristics of the infrastructure and rolling stock, heterogeneity of the planned train traffic and the necessary number of transfers on the passenger’s journey. Planned interdependencies be- tween trains, such as transfers and heterogeneous traffic, add complexity to the timetable. The risk of spreading initial delays to other trains and parts of the network increases with the level of timetable complexity.




Como Citar

Schittenhelm, B. (2008). Identification of Timetable Attractiveness Parameters by an International Literature Review. Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University, 15(1).