Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Research Articles

Social Networks and Entrepreneurship in Russia: A Study of Freelancers’ Use of Messengers

Andrei Plotnikov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Published 23-03-2022


  • information and communication technologies,
  • communications management,
  • self-employment,
  • freelance,
  • remote working

How to Cite

Plotnikov, A. (2022). Social Networks and Entrepreneurship in Russia: A Study of Freelancers’ Use of Messengers. Nordic Journal of Media Management, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.5278/njmm.2597-0445.7202


Purpose. The study aims to study the synchronous dynamics of freelancers using various ways of communicating with customers and partners in a pandemic, its effect on their entrepreneurial success. 

Methods. The results of the survey were used as research material. N=469 people took part in the survey. We attracted respondents from the VK social network Telegram messenger and the electronic platform - the freelancer's exchange etxt.ru. We collected data through Google Forms then conducted a survey using the Survey Monkey service. Factor analysis (the method of factor selection: the method of principal components, the method of rotation – "Varimax" with Kaiser Normalization) acted as the primary research method.

Findings. Two factors stood out because of the application of factor analysis. The first factor was the following communication methods: Text messages on social networks and messengers, Text messages via email, Audio messages on social networks, and messengers. The second factor included Video calls and Audio Calls – with a positive correlation coefficient and Personal meetings - with a negative correlation coefficient. It indicates that video calls and Audio Calls are similar, and Personal meetings have diametrically opposite characters. If we increase the intensity of using Video calls and Audio Calls, then the intensity of using Personal meetings decreases.