Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Research Articles

Pakistani Youtubers and Social Media Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification for Value Creation in Content Market

Barira Bakhtawar
Lahore College for Women University

Published 23-03-2022


  • Opportunity Identification,
  • Social Media Platforms,
  • Media Entrepreneurship,
  • YouTube,
  • ; Media Management

How to Cite

Bakhtawar, B., & Reza, A. A. (2022). Pakistani Youtubers and Social Media Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Identification for Value Creation in Content Market. Nordic Journal of Media Management, 2(2). Retrieved from https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/NJMM/article/view/7204


Purpose: Youtube has become the most visible social platform of video content and thus the most potential venue for entrepreneurial activities of the nascent individual media producers to share their generated video clips to earn income. However, the increasing number of Youtubers who work on converging subjects makes them in tough competition, while there are many niche markets that are left alone. This research explores market opportunities in content market for Youtubers in Pakistan.

Methodology: The conceptual framework of this study is taken from Antony Ulwick’s algorithm of opportunity identification. Firstly, a series of interviews conducted with Pakistani Youtubers and the main factors extracted. Then a questionnaire developed and presented to the respondents to rank the extracted factors from 1 to 10 based on two measures of importance and satisfaction from current status. The difference between the two number reflected the market potential demand for any given factor. Finally the factors ranked as market opportunities for Youtubers.

Findings/Contribution: While media entrepreneurship has received great research attention during the recent years but still lacks the required tools and methods to measure the various dimension of this construct, in particular, opportunity identification as the cornerstone of entrepreneurship. This article introduced Ulwick’s algorithm of opportunity identification to the media entrepreneurship research.