Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025): 70 Years of Tense-Logic

Analytic Proof-Theory for Prior’s System Q: First Steps

Torben Bräuner
Roskilde Universitet

Published 13-01-2025


  • Arthur Prior,
  • System Q,
  • tableau systems

How to Cite

Bräuner, T. (2025). Analytic Proof-Theory for Prior’s System Q: First Steps. Logic and Philosophy of Time, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.54337/lpt.v6i1.9937


Arthur Prior introduced the three-valued modal logic called the Q system. A few axiom systems for the Q system can be found in the literature, but no analytic proof-theory in the form of tableau-, sequent- or natural deduction systems. In the present paper we demonstrate how to turn a formal semantics for the Q system into a tableau system, whereby we provide a proof system that is suitable for actual reasoning.


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