Vol 6, No 1 (2025): 70 Years of Tense-Logic
Issue Description
August 27th 1954, Arthur Norman Prior gave the presidential address in Wellington at the New Zealand section of the Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy, Second Philosophical Congress.. When the address was published as The Syntax of Time-Distinctions (1958), tense-logic had already been presented in Oxford at the John Locke Lecturers. Volume 6 of Logic and Philosophy of Time, celebrates 70 years of tense-logic. First, by focusing on Prior's system of tense-logic developed for contingent beings: The System Q. In Analytic Proof-Theory for Prior's System Q: First Steps, Torben Bräuner takes the first steps toward the development of a tableau system for the Q system. The second article takes us back to 1954, to the time Prior developed tense-logic. In A.N. Prior’s development and presentation of tense-logic and its context in June-August 1954, Peter Øhrstrøm, Martin Prior, Andreas M. Müller and David Jakobsen publish a selection of 16 letters written between Arthur and Mary during 1954, as well as Prior's presidential address The Syntax of Time-Distinctions. Then follows two articles by Mike Grimshaw presenting Prior as a Christian public intellectual. The first, Prior as Naphtali: Christian commentator and pseudonymous Christian public intellectual, provides a unique window into some of Prior's articles written while he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. The second, The Prior-Brasch Landfall Letters (1946-1958), discuss 30 letters between Arthur Prior and Charles Brasch, the editor of the journal Landfall. The final article takes us back to 1945 to the correspondence between Arthur and Mary who, at that time was separated by the war. In The Convolutions of Necessitarianism, David Jakobsen presents three letters written by Arthur Norman Prior to Mary Prior from 1945 discussing Luis de Molinas theory of middle-knowledge.
Editors: David Jakobsen, Peter Øhrstrøm, Mike Grimshaw, Zuzana Rybaříková and Fatima Sabir.