Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025): 70 Years of Tense-Logic

The Prior-Brasch Landfall Letters (1946-1958)

Mike Grimshaw
University of Canterbury

Published 13-01-2025



  • A.N. Prior,
  • Charles Brasch,
  • Landfall journal,
  • Public Intellectual,
  • Presbyterianism,
  • Philosophy in New Zealand and Australia,
  • Polish Notation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Grimshaw, M. (2025). The Prior-Brasch Landfall Letters (1946-1958). Logic and Philosophy of Time, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.54337/lpt.v6i1.9941


This article discusses 30 letters between Arthur Prior and Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, over the period 1946-1958. The letters contain new and important information on Prior’s view on logic and philosophy, what he was reading at this time, his reflections on Popper and C.S. Lewis, his contributions to Landfall, and his preference for the Polish notation. They also provide insight as to how Prior’s writings, ideas and suggestions for Landfall, including that Landfall regularly discuss philosophy, were received and responded to by Brasch.


  1. Andrew, M. 1999. Set in A Long Place, Hazard Press.
  2. Bennett, J. 1953. “Philosophy in New Zealand,” Landfall, vol.7 no.3, pp. 196-198.
  3. Brasch, C. 1948. “Notes”, Landfall vol. 2, no. 1, pp.5-7.
  4. Brasch, C. 1980. Indirections. A Memoir 1909-1947, Oxford University Press.
  5. Brasch, C. 2017. Journals 1945-1957. Selected with an Introduction and Notes by Peter Simpson, Otago University Press.
  6. Breward, I. 1975. Grace & Truth. A history of Theological Hall, Knox College Dunedin 1876-1975, Theological Education Committee Presbyterian Church of New Zealand.
  7. Collie, J. 1948. The Story of the Otago Free Church Settlement 1848-1948. A Century’s Growth by a Southern Sea. Presbyterian Bookroom.
  8. Fairburn, A.R.D. 1948. ‘Art in Canterbury’, Landfall vol.2 no.1 pp.46-50.
  9. Grave, S.A. 1950. “The Logic of Ethics’, Landfall vol 4. no.3., pp.257-262.
  10. Grimshaw, M. 2005. “Believing Colin: “A Question of Faith” from “Celestial lavatory graffiti” to “Derridean Religious Addict”, Pacifica vol.18 no.2 (June) pp. 175-197.
  11. Grimshaw, M. 2018. Arthur Prior - 'A Young Progressive': Letters to Ursula Bethell & Hugh Teague 1936-1941, Canterbury University Press.
  12. Grimshaw, M. 2020. 'The Public Prior. A.N. Prior as (relocated 17th & 18th century) Public Intellectual' in Halse, P., Jakobsen, D., Øhrstrøm, P., (eds) The Metaphysics of Time. Themes from Prior, Aalborg University Press.
  13. Grimshaw, M. (2022). “‘A thwarted Mind?’ Popper, Prior, and Pocock and the Turn to Research and Science and Humanities at Canterbury University College 1945-1946,” New Zealand Journal of History 56, no. 2, pp. 92-109.
  14. Grimshaw, M. 2023a. ‘Arthur Prior’s nom de plume writings in Tomorrow and the Otago Daily Times 1935-1937’, Logic and Philosophy of Time vol. 5.pp.1-30
  15. Grimshaw, M. 2023b. ‘To write and think ‘in his own tongue’: Arthur Prior, Jack Bates & the New Zealand Journal of Theology’, Logic and Philosophy of Time Vol 5:pp.1-38
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  17. Knight, G.A.F. 1980. What Next? The St Andrew Press. McCahon, C. 1947. “Recent Paintings by Colin McCahon,” Landfall vol.1 no. 4.
  18. Ron O’Reilly, R. 1946. “On the Frontiers of Existence”. An Introduction to the work of Franz Kafka”, Colophon Vol.1 pp. 8-15.
  19. Ron O’Reilly, R. 1946. “The Aphorisms of Kafka’ Colophon Vol 1. pp. 65-68.
  20. Prior, A.N. 1947a. “Review of The Open Society and its Enemies, by K. R. Popper (2 vols.)”, Landfall Vol. One, No.2 June 1947 pp.136-142.
  21. Prior, A.N. 1947b. “Review of The Abolition of Man, by C.S Lewis,”, Landfall Vol. 1, No. 1 1947 pp.63-67.
  22. Prior, A.N. 1947c. “Review of The Moral Sense, by D. Daiches Raphael,” Landfall vol1. No.4 , pp. 314-318.
  23. Prior, A.N. 1948. “Disruption”, Landfall Vol. Two, No. 1 pp.8-18.
  24. Prior, A.N. 1952. “This Quarter”, Landfall vol. 6 no.1, pp.49-53.
  25. Prior, I. 2006. Elespie & Ian. Memoir of a Marriage, Steele Roberts.
  26. Raphael, D.D. 1947. The Moral Sense. O.U.P.
  27. Simpson, P. 2019. Colin McCahon. There is Only One Direction Vol.1. 1919-1959. AUP.
  28. Simpson, P. 2024. Dear Colin, Dear Ron: The Selected Letters of Colin McCahon and Ron O’Reilly, Te Papa Press.
  29. Scott, J. 1997. Harry’s Absence. Looking for my father on the mountain, VUP.
  30. Scott, T.H. 1947. ‘From emigrant to native’ Landfall vol 1 no.4 pp.248-264.
  31. Sinclair, K. 1960. “Memories of T.H. Scott’ Landfall vol.14 no.2 pp.182-185.
  32. Smith, P.J. 2023. Arthur Prior in the 1940s : letters and un-published works of Prior 1946-1949 (Massey MA thesis) https://mro.massey.ac.nz/items/d1ffed13-51e1-47cc-bc09-8f895f2c4b4a.
  33. Summers, J. 1953. ‘The Group Show, 1952, Landfall vol. 7 no, 1 pp.59-62.