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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All NLC submissions (excluding round table and workshop proposals) are peer-reviewed anonymously. Therefore, please remember to remove all author details from your documents before submission for review. Please remember to include author details in your final submission so that we can include this information in the conference proceedings.
  • Please use the NLC2024 template

Author Guidelines

Please consult the conference webpage outlining submission information or find the information below

Full paper

Individual research papers and papers critically examining conceptual issues should take the form of a full paper of around 8 pages (and a maximum of 10 pages including references).


Full papers should be around 8 pages (and a maximum of 10 pages including references).

Please note: all paper submissions will be reviewed anonymously (double blind), so please do not include any author details when submitting your paper for peer review - this includes the actual file name and document properties.

Please use the NLC2024 template

Short paper

Short papers must be presented as Pecha Kucha.

A Pecha Kucha (pronounced: "peh-cha-ku-cha'') presentation is an informal, engaging and highly visual presentation of 20 slides, each lasting exactly 20 seconds, for a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. These sessions are intended to communicate research in progress quickly and efficiently.


A short paper aims to introduce and promote a new piece of research through textual and graphic elements; a time and space will be provided at the conference for this to be displayed and discussed. 

An abstract for your short paper presentation will be published on the conference website(maximum 400 words) and an introduction to your work will be published in the conference proceedings (2 - 4 pages). The introduction should provide clear aims and objectives of the study, research context, design and preliminary findings.

Further information on background theory, conceptual framework and methodological approaches could be included.


A short paper should be a minimum of 2 pages and a maximum of 4 pages (including references).

Please note: all paper submissions will be reviewed anonymously, so please do not include any author details when submitting your paper for peer review - this includes the actual file name and document properties.

Please use the NLC2024 template


A symposium usually consists of approx. 3-4 full papers plus an introduction to the symposium. Each full paper should be around 8 pages (a maximum of 10 pages, including references). Symposia could include short papers as well; however, a minimum of 3 full papers are required.

The symposium introduction will be published on the Conference Website before the conference.

The symposium organiser collects all papers from the authors and precedes them with an introduction (1-2 pages) to the symposium, stating the title/theme and providing a rationale for the symposium.

Symposia organisers are free to decide on how their Symposium is run e.g. as an interactive panel-participants discussion; ‘traditional’ presentation of papers with short questions and answers; or they may select other methods.


Please remember that if you are submitting a symposium, the symposium organiser must submit:

  • an introduction to the symposium, including a title and symposium rationale (1-2 pages)
  • 3-4 papers (can include short papers but should include a minimum of 3 full papers)

Please note: All symposium and paper submissions will be reviewed anonymously, so please do not include any author details when submitting your symposium for peer review - this includes the actual file name and document properties. 

Please use the NLC2024 template


Workshops should take a form that seeks active involvement of participants around for example a concept, method, model or technology.


Workshop proposals should include the details stipulated above and must be around 2-4 pages.

Workshop proposals should be around 2-4 pages and include the following:

  • the title of the workshop
  • host name 
  • intended audience
  • workshop description
  • participant engagement
  • participant outcomes
  • workshop alignment with conference themes
  • workshop process/activities

Submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and therefore do not need to be anonymised.

Please use the NLC2024 template

Round Table

A round table session provides an opportunity for participants to get together and explore issues related to networked learning in an informal yet structured setting.


You need to submit your round table topic in advance so that the round table topics can be presented in the conference programme.

The round table will be facilitated by the topic host and will last as long as the scheduled session time in the programme. Please provide a brief explanation of your topic by way of background information. Outline the goals you have for this session and make sure the participants have the opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Please note: no projection or other technology will be provided to support your round table during these sessions. Please prepare and bring materials for your session if needed.


Proposals for Round Table Discussions should be around 2-4 pages and need to introduce and contextualize the topic or issue that the organiser(s) would like to discuss with the participants. Round Table Discussions may include short presentations but should be designed and framed with participation in mind, i.e. not as an expert panel limiting the discussion to only a few participants.

A Round Table Proposal must include the following:

  • Round table title
  • Host name
  • Elevator pitch (address the topic and the questions to discuss at your round table)
  • Goal (illustrate what you would like to achieve as a collective outcome)
  • How to engage the participants in the discussion

Submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and therefore do not need to be anonymised.

Please use the NLC2024 template

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.