
Networked learning as pedagogy of hope
- a research-based conference on sustainable digital futures

Hosted by University of Malta, Valletta, Malta

Since 1998 the biennial Networked Learning Conference has been an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical
examination and analysis of research in networked learning – particularly in higher education and lifelong learning.
Networked learning has become a broader area of inquiry over the years, bringing together research in education and
organisations spanning formal, informal, and technology-enhanced learning settings. It is a conference that is particularly
concerned with critical perspectives, theory, pedagogical values, analysis, practice-based research, and designs for learning.
The focus of the conference is research and practice that address relational aspects of learning; interplay between human
beings; development with an emphasis on dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning; and learning in social

Within the field of Networked Learning, we invite paper presentations, workshops, and round table discussions on the following:

Conference themes

  • Digital futures and environmental renaissance (e.g., sustainability, the need for degrowth in digitalization, well-being issues and perspectives in networked learning, rewilding networked learning ecologies, networked learning,
    environment and climate change)
  • Artificial intelligence, learning analytics and emergent digital technologies (e.g., the role of AI, learning analytics,
    immersive technologies, generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), mixed realities, mobile technologies for
    networked learning)  
  • Ethical and responsible innovation and research (e.g., privacy, surveillance, inclusion, criticality, equity and social
    justice, relational pedagogies, eco pedagogies) 
  • Spaces, places and modalities for networked learning (e.g., online, blended, hybrid, boundless), design,
    implementation and evaluation of networked learning
  • Networked learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts of learning and development across the lifespan (e.g., early childhood, school, higher education, professional development, community learning, large-scale and small-scale open courses)
  • Theory and theorisation advancing the field of networked learning
  • Philosophies, theories, methodologies, and research designs for networked learning (e.g., postdigitality,
    posthumanism, phenomenography, phenomenology, social network analysis, socio-material approaches)


Call for Submissions


All submissions are peer-reviewed and are published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers are invited for
publication in an edited book as part of the Springer book series “Research in Networked Learning


We invite proposals of the following kind addressing the above conference themes:

  • Symposia: 1.5 hours – You convene, organise and invite 3–4 full papers to present on a chosen theme
  • Full papers on research results
  • Short papers on research in progress (Pecha Kucha presentation)
  • Workshops: 1.5 hours – Active involvement of participants (e.g., concerning a concept, method, model or technology)
  • Round table discussions: 1.5 hours – Open discussion of topic introduced and framed by the organiser


Full submission details can be found on the networked learning website. Please note we require all submissions (except
Workshops and Round table discussions) for the 2024 conference by November 3, 2023

Keynote Speakers

Jen Ross – University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Alexei Dingli – University of Malta, Malta

Felicitas Macgilchrist University of Goettingen,Germany


Pre-conference activities and PhD consortium preceding the conference will be announced later

Call for papers

  • Networked learning as pedagogy of hope - a research-based conference on sustainable digital futures


    Within the field of Networked Learning, we invite paper presentations, workshops, and round table discussions on the following:

    Conference themes

    • Digital futures and environmental renaissance (e.g., sustainability, the need for degrowth in digitalization, well-being issues and perspectives in networked learning, rewilding networked learning ecologies, networked learning,
      environment and climate change)
    • Artificial intelligence, learning analytics and emergent digital technologies (e.g., the role of AI, learning analytics,
      immersive technologies, generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), mixed realities, mobile technologies for
      networked learning)  
    • Ethical and responsible innovation and research (e.g., privacy, surveillance, inclusion, criticality, equity and social
      justice, relational pedagogies, eco pedagogies) 
    • Spaces, places and modalities for networked learning (e.g., online, blended, hybrid, boundless), design,
      implementation and evaluation of networked learning
    • Networked learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts of learning and development across the lifespan (e.g., early childhood, school, higher education, professional development, community learning, large-scale and small-scale open courses)
    • Theory and theorisation advancing the field of networked learning
    • Philosophies, theories, methodologies, and research designs for networked learning (e.g., postdigitality, posthumanism, phenomenography, phenomenology, social network analysis, socio-material approaches)
    Read more about Networked learning as pedagogy of hope - a research-based conference on sustainable digital futures