Dark sides, Tyranny, and Dragons


Tyranny of Participation
Networked Learning
Heterotopian Spaces

How to Cite

Ryberg, T. (2024). Dark sides, Tyranny, and Dragons: Attending to the Shadows of PBL. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 89–97. https://doi.org/10.54337/ojs.jpblhe.v12i2.9022


This article introduces work originating from the area of Networked Learning that seeks to problematise and critically discuss notions such as ‘collaboration’, ‘community’, and ‘participation’. It argues that there is a dark and shadowy side to these ideals, which we need to attend to in a reflexive manner. To this end, it introduces ideas of heteropian spaces and emphasizes the value of working with difference, and consent over consensus.



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