This paper reflects on a slow re-reading of Maggi Savin-Baden’s “Impact of Transdisciplinary Threshold Concepts on Student Engagement in Problem-Based Learning” and its relation to the author’s experiences as a teacher and curriculum developer in Techno-Anthropology at Aalborg University. It explores four transdisciplinary threshold concepts—liminality, scaffolding, pedagogical content knowledge, and pedagogical stance—as critical to enhancing student engagement in transdisciplinary problem-based learning (PBL). These concepts facilitate transformative learning, helping students navigate disciplinary boundaries and reform their professional and academic identities. The paper critiques traditional scaffolding practices, advocates for balanced guidance, and emphasizes the role of reflective pedagogical stances in fostering trust and deep engagement. It underscores the value of transdisciplinary approaches to addressing complex real-world challenges through PBL.
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