Symposium 3: What is it like for a learner to participate in a Zoom Breakout Room session?


  • Felicity Healey-Benson International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  • Mike Johnson School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
  • Catherine Adams Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
  • Joni Turville Faculty of Education, University of Alberta



Zoom video-conferencing, Breakout room, Phenomenology of practice, Covid-19, Lived experience, Presence, The Pivot, Small group learning, Collaborative learning


Though virtual classrooms are not new, the COVID-19 pandemic sent many teachers and students online for the first time. This paper examines the use of a web-based video conferencing tool, Zoom, and in particular, the use of breakout rooms as part of a student’s learning experience. We ask: what is it like for a learner to participate in a Zoom Breakout Room session? Using Max van Manen’s (2016) phenomenology of practice, we collected learners’ lived experience descriptions of participating in a Zoom breakout room, then reflected on them phenomenologically as a way to generate new insights into this recently common online learning experience. Four moments are portrayed: a learner’s arrest at the announcement of breakout rooms; a learner’s transition into a breakout room as existential suspension; surveilling self and others in a breakout room; and exiting the breakout room as a moment of foreclosure and re-disorientation. The paper compares Zoom breakout rooms with aspects of video-gaming and notices a detriment to Freirean problem-posing education if students can avoid standing, unmediated, behind just their words, even in the relative safety of a small group of peers.




How to Cite

Healey-Benson, F., Johnson, M., Adams, C., & Turville, J. (2024). Symposium 3: What is it like for a learner to participate in a Zoom Breakout Room session?. Networked Learning Conference, 13.