Place-responsive principles of sustainable networked learning


  • Sharon Boyd The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh



Place-responsive, Sustainable education, Networked learning, Postdigital


This work builds on the work of Hodgson and McConnell by extending the principles of networked learning to incorporate aspects of place-responsive pedagogy and sustainable education. Place[1]responsive education is traditionally situated within the outdoor education field, and invites a deeper recognition of the interwoven nature of learning. It aligns with a postdigital perspective of networked learning, embracing the complex entanglement of learners, environment, technology and everything else. Sustainable education focuses on the creative, participative and reflexive processes which underpin transformative pedagogies, recognising the importance of collaboration and time. The goal is learning to live sustainably as part of the ecosystem. This extension of the principles was undertaken in order to strengthen the recognition of place and place-knowledge as part of the postdigital network, to find a way to give voice to the non-human participants in the learning environment. It will also demonstrate how networked learning is a sustainable educational approach. I will start by outlining the place-responsive framework that will guide the review of the principles. This will be followed by an overview of sustainable education, explaining what role this plays in networked learning and the importance in developing future-proof skills. Next, the eight principles will be extended, building on the framework. Finally, a case example will illustrate how this can be applied in practice.




How to Cite

Boyd, S. (2024). Place-responsive principles of sustainable networked learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning , 12, 112–119.