Symposium 12: A Pattern Approach to Person-Centered e-Learning Based on Theory-Guided Action Research


  • Michael Derntl University of Vienna
  • Renate Motschnig-Pitrik University of Vienna



Person-Centered e-Learning (PCeL), Blended Learning, Patterns, Action Research


Action research is gaining recognition as a methodology accompanying the introduction of technology into organizations and learning. Yet, the results of action research often remain restricted to an organization’s context. In order to allow for a generalization and broader recognition of results, we abstract patterns of teaching/learning activities, organize them in a reusable, conceptual framework, and complement them with useful parameters as well as results from their application. Our proceeding is guided by the Person-Centered Approach that we adopt for blended learning and project work. This paper describes the pattern repository on PCeL (Person-Centered e-Learning) as the central structure within our action research framework and discusses means of generalizing and objectifying our findings.




How to Cite

Derntl, M., & Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2004). Symposium 12: A Pattern Approach to Person-Centered e-Learning Based on Theory-Guided Action Research . Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning , 4, 303–311.