Grounding Staff Development for Networked Learning Environments


  • Erica McAteer University of Glasgow
  • Alison Littlejohn University of Strathclyde
  • Susi Peacock Queen Margaret University College
  • Charles Juwah Robert Gordon University
  • Dennis Bates Napier University
  • Stephen Bruce Napier University



CMC, CAA, Grounded guidelines, Course development, On-line learning


The presentation to the Networked Learning Conference session participants will describe some of the research, development and
practice experience that underpinned the ScotCIT* ELICIT materials development, funded by the Scottish Higher Education
Funding Council (SHEFC) the rationale for its use in that development, and outcomes of expert practitioner review of some of the
materials for networked learning contexts. It will also take forward models of development for flexible on-line courses which can
adapt to a variety of contexts, customisable by the user communities concerned.
This paper backgrounds the conference presentation, supporting what we hope will be a framework for discussion and development
with participants at the session. Its perspective is very much that of its first author, but with agreement and support from the other
members of the project team. All of us feel that we should share the ‘ELICIT’ experience with the wider community as we work on
future re-purposing and wider implementation of the resources.




How to Cite

McAteer, E., Littlejohn, A., Peacock, S., Juwah, C., Bates, D., & Bruce, S. (2002). Grounding Staff Development for Networked Learning Environments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning , 3.