Strand 4: Making Lifelong Learning Real

Reaching People the System Doesn't Usually Reach


  • Anne Jones The Centre for Lifelong Learning, Brunel University



  1. The Centre for Lifelong Learning at Brunel University has developed several initiatives designed to increase access and widen participation, to build success in learning and to support individual development/employability and economic regeneration.
  2. Brunel's Lifelong Learning System is designed to make Lifelong Learning coherent and accessible to the individual learner whether at work or in the community. The system provides access to:
    • Information Communication Technologies, including video-conferencing
    • information, advice, support
    • an individual personalised mentoring system
    • self-auditing/self benchmarking tools
    • a system of logging and rewarding learning achievements, and action planning
    • a range of education and training programmes to suit individual needs
    • links to the Brunel Intranet, which allows SMEs and Individuals to work off-line
    • access co Brunel software for Skills Profiling, Key Skills and Project Management
  1. The system is not prescriptive about learning methods: learning may be on or off-line, face-to-face, distance, distributed, experiential or taught. The special features the systems for logging and recording learning achievements, the access to a personal learning adviser, the ownership of the log and the learning by the individual, the emphasis on self- management and employability. The system is also targeted at individuals and SMEs rather than the easier market of large organisations.
  2. Brunel Lifelong Learning is an integrated system which will inform progress towards the University for Industry and other Networked Partnership solutions. It has potential for national and global dissemination and implementation. Brunel is already working on several international projects which will use the system.




How to Cite

Jones, A. (1998). Strand 4: Making Lifelong Learning Real: Reaching People the System Doesn’t Usually Reach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning , 1, 4.7–4.12.