Thinking in Possibilities: Unleashing Cognitive Creativity Through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment


Problem-based learning
cognitive creativity

How to Cite

Servant, V. F., Noordzij, G., Spierenburg, E. J., & Frens, M. A. (2015). Thinking in Possibilities: Unleashing Cognitive Creativity Through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 3(1).


This paper addresses the way in which students’ cognitive creativity and the construction of meaning could be fostered by means of assessment in a Problem-based learning programme. We propose that a dual assessment structure within such a programme through examinations and coursework assignments could ensure the acquisition of a foundational knowledge base while allowing the development of the cognitive creative process. Using a Dutch University as a case study, including its assessment philosophy and practice, we describe and tentatively support by means of some preliminary results how assessment can foster construction of meaning. The paper closes on suggestions for practice in fostering cognitive creativity through assessment in Problem-based learning programmes.

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