Impact of active teaching methods implemented on therapeutic chemistry module: Performance and impressions of First-year pharmacy students


Problem based learning
tutor skills
metacognitive skills
tutor training
tutor effectiveness

How to Cite

Derfoufi, S., Benmoussa, A., El Harti, J., Ramli, Y., Taoufik, J., & Chaouir, S. (2016). Impact of active teaching methods implemented on therapeutic chemistry module: Performance and impressions of First-year pharmacy students. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 3(2).


This paper describes how a circuits-based project-oriented problem-based learning educational model was integrated into the first year of a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering programme at Maynooth University, Ireland. While many variations of problem based learning exist, the presented model is closely aligned with the model used in Aalborg University, Denmark. Key learning outcomes, implementation features and an evaluation of the integrated project-oriented problembased learning module over a two year period are all presented within.

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