Teaching consumer law based on PBL principles within a workshop frame


Problem Based Learning
Teaching Law

How to Cite

Sørensen, M. J. (2017). Teaching consumer law based on PBL principles within a workshop frame. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.jpblhe.v0i0.1520


Changing learning objectives was the beginning of rethinking the pedagogical frame of my courses within a traditional law study program. The objectives were changed in order to aim for students becoming better at reflecting on the curriculum. I chose to work within a workshop frame incorporating some of the Aalborg PBL principles. The two courses conducted within this frame are Danish Consumer Law (in Danish) and EU Consumer Law (in English). They are both electives at master level (8th semester) at the Law School at Aalborg University. This case description gives an insight into the structure of the workshops and gives examples of what tasks the students are assigned to work on in the group work in order to achieve the learning objectives.



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