A Case Study of Formative Assessment Using Mobile Applications and Peripherals to Encourage ‘Real-Life’ Critical Analysis in the Biosciences


Critical analysis
mobile technology
formative assessment

How to Cite

Peart, D. J., Fairhead, O. J., & Stamp, K. A. (2018). A Case Study of Formative Assessment Using Mobile Applications and Peripherals to Encourage ‘Real-Life’ Critical Analysis in the Biosciences. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.jpblhe.v0i0.1900


This paper shares a practice of encouraging critical analysis in science students by comparing mobile applications and peripherals to traditional tools to record physiological variables such as heart rate and blood pressure. A progressive series of case studies is described with learning outcomes mapped to the benchmark statement for Bioscience from the United Kingdom's Quality Assurance Agency. A student reflection and staff commentary of the practice is also offered.



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