Theoretical and Operational Reflections on the Interdisciplinary PBL Simulation for Conflict Negotiation and Communication at the University of Helsinki.

How to Cite

Wood, G. (2020). Theoretical and Operational Reflections on the Interdisciplinary PBL Simulation for Conflict Negotiation and Communication at the University of Helsinki. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 8(2).


An interdisciplinary approach has been adopted for undergraduate Law and Social Science students attending separate seven-week intensive language communication courses run at the University of Helsinki. The challenge has been to anchor this pedagogical development within theoretical frames of reference that contextualise the interdisciplinary PBL simulation. Focus is placed on one of the simulations - Bradford Simulation, based on the 1995 riots involving the Pakistani immigrant community in the English city of Bradford. Conflict encompasses multidimensional problems and synthesising interdisciplinarity with the PBL simulation attempts to create a learning environment in which students can gain an insight into the intricacies of conflict analysis, management and resolution. Considerations of student identity and learning factors are recognised. Key operational management factors requiring advanced organisational and communication skills by the teacher are also broached. Whilst positive outcomes have accrued there are limitations that have compromised the activity.

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