The Power of Problem Based Learning beyond its Didactic Attributes

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Simboeck, E., Marksteiner, J., Machacek, T., Wiessner, K., Gepp, B., Jesenberger, V. ., … Leitner, R. (2021). The Power of Problem Based Learning beyond its Didactic Attributes. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 9(1).


Hybrid courses with a focus on practice-orientated education and self-guided learning phases are on the rise on the higher education sector. Disciplines in Life Sciences implicate a high degree of practical laboratory expertise. The University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Vienna, Austria, has thus been endeavoured offering students a high qualitative education integrating hybrid courses based on PBL principles, which consist of on-site (including the transmission of necessary background and practical laboratory training) and off-site (including self-study phases) sessions. As practical laboratory units are central in those courses, the restrictive measures, including the transition to a complete online teaching format due to the first Covid-19-pandemic lock-down, had severe effects on the implementation and the quality of the curriculum. According to surveys made specifically to address this problematic situation, it can be concluded that on-site practical units are fundamental for certain disciplines such as Life Sciences.

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