Fiddlers Green College: Looking for Equitable Workforce Pathways in Silicon Valley

How to Cite

Montoya, J., Peterson, F., Kinslow II, A., Fruchter, R., Fischer, M., & Bustamante, A. S. (2021). Fiddlers Green College: Looking for Equitable Workforce Pathways in Silicon Valley. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 9(1).


Often, research on the efficacy of postsecondary workforce programs does not convey their impact on true social mobility. The purpose of this study is to investigate project-based Career and Technical Education (CTE) workforce pathways in Silicon Valley. This study takes a step towards better understanding what constitutes the metrics that explain functioning pathways. In contributing to Project-Based Learning (PBL) theory, Amaral et al. (2015) found that seven PBL essentials form good learning outcomes; Creghan and Adair-Creghan (2015) then showed a measurable outcome of PBL is higher attendance, to which Plasman and Gottfried (2020), using a case of Applied STEM CTE (AS-CTE), framed attendance as a predictor of the efficacy of a workforce pathway. Recommendation: Through ethnography, the investigators observed that when social mobility was added as a metric of high quality PBL with AS-CTE in a predictive ontology framework of education success, an improved level of attendance was observed. The authors conclude that using the seven essentials and social mobility as a metric of PBL helps explain the observation of PBL’s improved efficacy. Hence, social mobility should be a metric of PBL AS-CTE program outcomes.

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