Problem-based Learning in Institutional and Curricular Design at the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)

How to Cite

Rogers, H. L., Hitt, S. J., & Allan, D. G. (2021). Problem-based Learning in Institutional and Curricular Design at the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) . Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 9(2).


NMITE’s Master’s in Integrated Engineering (MEng) was created with a unique philosophy of integrating not only traditionally separate strands of engineering, but also of integrating engineering with other disciplines such as arts, humanities, and business. This broad and deep integration is made possible by adopting the principles and practices of problem-based learning (PBL) and embedding them within predetermined module challenges. In this way, each PBL challenge highlights and hones areas of engineering expertise and embeds liberal subjects whilst maintaining the integration intrinsic to the programme. Overall, this method supports the use of block learning with deep integration of employers and the community in the educational experience.

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