Exploring Approaches for Blended Learning in Life Sciences

How to Cite

Brohus, M., Duun Rohde, P., Gregersen Echers, S., Westphal, K., Ern, R., & Jensen, H. H. (2022). Exploring Approaches for Blended Learning in Life Sciences. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.54337/ojs.jpblhe.v10i1.7304


Digital tools and platforms offer new solutions to design and conduct university teaching. This case illustrates how such digital solutions may be utilized in problem-based learning programmes within life science educations. Specifically, the case evaluated the use of live-streamed and recorded lectures, the incorporation of digital formative assessment in lectures, and the use of a digital platform to support experimental project work in a research laboratory. We find that digital solutions provide flexibility for both lecturers and students, advantageous options for collecting and sharing information, and for engaging students in their learning process. However, digital tools cannot replace all aspects of traditional in-person teaching, such as social interactions. Rather, when blended with in-person teaching, digital solutions have a large potential for supporting new forms of and approaches to both theoretical and experimental university teaching.


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