Introduction: Team-based learning and Problem-Based Learning can be integrated for in person and online psychology or behavioral health related courses in higher education.
Statement of the Problem: Historically, team-based learning and problem-based learning have been considered separate (and seemingly competing) activities and not often conducted concurrently during a course.
Literature Review: A review of the literature on team-based learning, however, has uncovered some cases where team-based learning and problem-based learning were integrated together in a course.
Teaching Implications: The purpose of this article is to present a case example in which team-based learning and problem-based learning were integrated together in two master’s level sex therapy courses: one in the U.S. and one in Austria. The article describes how this integration was achieved through outlining the activities of the class and the possible benefits seen based on self-report.
Conclusion: Integrating team-based learning and problem-based learning was an effective method for teaching two master’s level sex therapy courses and may have relevant application to psychology classes and/or treatment-oriented topics in behavioral health.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Katherine Hertlein, Varsha Suresh, Taylor Brown, Edmond Davis, Sarah Hechter