Interconnected Agencies For Sustainable Futures

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Fricker, P., Landau-Donnelly, F., Miltiadis, C., & Singh, S. (2023). Interconnected Agencies For Sustainable Futures: A Discourse on the Notion of Adaptation and Space. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 100–125.


This article presents a nuanced discussion of four episodes on the complexity of possible trajectories for sustainable futures through diverse but intersecting practices and discourses as heterogeneous but complementary articulations of ‘adaptation and space.’

As design and creative processes evolve, new tools and methods, often adopted from science and technology, are integrated into art, design, and architecture. However, knowledge flow in these developments tends to be unidirectional, with science and technology influencing these fields more than vice versa. The diverse developments relating to the concept of ‘space’ have profound impacts on industries, urban habitats, design approaches, and the arts within the expanded field.

This article engages in a conversation from four different disciplinary perspectives, each articulating its own voice in relation to the broad notion of ‘adaptation and space.’ Through this multidisciplinary dialogue, presented in four episodes, it critically contributes to the ongoing discussion on sustainable futures, offering new trajectories for Problem-Based Learning (PBL) beyond disciplinary boundaries. In an era dominated by umbrella terminologies like sustainability, the field of higher education faces the challenge of integrating different expertise to foster new solutions for complex challenges. This article highlights the need for diverse fields such as architecture, art, and social science to engage in a dialogue about perception, interaction, and manipulation of space. Its purpose extends beyond the exploration of novel solutions, instead inviting multifarious perspectives that shape interconnected agencies for sustainable futures and their impact on education.


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