Race, rang og stand i Dansk Vestindien i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet


Rostgaard, Marianne, og Rasmus Green. 2012. “Race, Rang Og Stand I Dansk Vestindien I Begyndelsen Af 1900-Tallet: Set Gennem Breve Hjem Fra Danskere Udstationerede Som Gendarmer”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, december, 42-53. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i0.3192.

Abstract | Abstract

Marianne Rostgaard and Rasmus Green and William Newmiller Race, rang og stand i Dansk Vestindien i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet. Set gennem breve hjem fra danskere udstationerede som gendarmer. (Race, rank and class in The Danish West Indies in the early 20th century Viewed through letters from Danes posted as gendarmes). Through readings of contemporary sources in the form of letters the article argues against a myth that Danish colonial administration was more humane and enlightened in The Danish West Indies than other nations' colonial administrations were. The article reconsiders Danish historiography from the 1940s and 1950s that is characterized as nationalist in the sense that the Danish picture of itself could be described as "small is good". 
