Academic Quarter | Akademisk kvarter

Nyeste nummer

Nr. 29 (2024)
Publiceret 25. december, 2024
New managing and trans-disciplinarity • Vol 29

This issue delves into the evolving landscape of managerial thought, emphasizing innovative practices and transdisciplinary approaches to overcome traditional management paradigms. Reflecting on the multifaceted challenges of the 21st century—ranging from syndemic phenomena to rapid technological, social, and environmental transformations—contributors explore new approaches to management that prioritize sustainability, collaboration, and adaptability.
Central to this discourse is the reconfiguration of management to address volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments while fostering dynamic learning and hybrid organizational cultures. The featured articles highlight diverse methodologies, from action research and regenerative leadership to the TEAL paradigm, offering actionable insights for cultivating value through cross-sector collaboration and addressing societal complexities.
Together, these contributions suggest pathways for organizations to generate collective value, reimagine workplace cultures, and align managerial practices with the pressing demands of our interconnected world.

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