Is it possible to develop regenerative leadership in the financial sector through action research?

Keywords | Nøgleord

Regenerative leadership, action research, leadership development, financial sector.


Hersted, Lone. 2024. “Is It Possible to Develop Regenerative Leadership in the Financial Sector through Action Research?”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 29 (december):49-65.

Abstract | Abstract

Due to the global socioecological crisis and increasing environmental concerns, there is an urgent need for new ways of leading that take more responsibility for the environment, the climate, the wellbeing of employees and citizens, and the social aspects of our society in general. There is an urgent need to more consistently work with both environmental and social sustainability in mind.
Based on this challenge, this study is centered around the development of regenerative leadership in the financial sector through action research as an inquiry to simultaneously learn, change, and produce knowledge. The study’s primary research question is:
Is it possible to develop regenerative leadership in the financial sector through action research?</br /> In the first part of the paper, the background of the project and the basic notion of regenerative leadership will be explained. In the second part, a pilot project based on action research focused on the development of regenerative leadership in the financial sector will be presented, including the research inquiry and some brief illustrative examples (adjusted to the scope of the paper). Finally, the outcomes of the project and the use of action research for the development of regenerative leadership in the financial sector will be discussed.


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