Værdibaseret forbrug – et paraplybegreb


Rasmussen, Tove A., og Maria Majdall. 2012. “Værdibaseret Forbrug – Et Paraplybegreb”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, december, 143-55. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.academicquarter.v0i0.3200.

Abstract | Abstract

Tove A. Rasmussen and Maria Majdall Værdibaseret forbrug – et paraplybegreb. (Value based consumption – an umbrella concept). In public debate as well as in research a number of different terms are used for considerate consumption, which implies both consideration for the other in the shape of nature, environment and animals and consideration for the others in the shape of people. It may be ecological, political and sustainable consumption as well as others. The article examines these terms in research literature, compares the definitions with each other and points out similarities and differences. The aim of the article is first of all to investigate whether the various concepts are precise in relation to the phenomenon and secondarily to understand an umbrella concept, which can encompass the various forms of considerate consumption. We argue that the concept value-driven consumerism contains the existing concepts in a meaningful way, and at the same time it can be an opening towards a comparison with other not quite so "politically correct" modes of consumption. 
