Mellem nærhed og specialisering

Keywords | Nøgleord

Change, ethnographic co-creation, dialogical communication, contexts, power


Johansen, Tine L. R. 2022. “Mellem nærhed Og Specialisering: En Samskabt Kritisk-Refleksiv Analyse Af Dialog Og Magt I lægers tværsektorielle Samarbejde Om Tidlig Diagnostik”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 24 (maj):180-96.

Abstract | Abstract

Between proximity and specialization: A co-created critical-reflexive analysis of dialogue and power in physicians' cross-sectoral collaboration on early diagnosis


Coordinated care is part of a discursive turn towards a more patient-centered healthcare system. Coordinated care are defined as “The delivery of services by different care providers in a timely and complementary manner” (Langberg, Dyhr, and Davidsen 2019, 6). However, this easily overlooks the work that doctors put into involving patients, updating colleagues in other sectors and creating coherence with patients (Uijen et al. 2012). The article uses ethnographic co-creation as a method to examine doctors and general practitioners cross-sectoral collaboration on early diagnostics from a clinical everyday life perspective. Bakhtin’s dialogue theory and Foucault’s power/knowledge concept, provide an analytical framework to analyze collaborative practices. The article contributes with detailed knowledge of how relational strategies are used to handle cross-sectoral tensions. Furthermore, the article illustrates the co-creation of knowledge across a communication theoretical and biomedical perspective.