Together-telling as a means to share cultural perspectives in Education for Sustainable Development

Keywords | Nøgleord

Education for Sustainable Development, Greenland, Indigenous knowledge, together-telling


Ritter, Eva. 2023. “Together-Telling As a Means to Share Cultural Perspectives in Education for Sustainable Development: A Study from Greenland ”. Academic Quarter | Akademisk Kvarter, nr. 26 (december):96-109.

Abstract | Abstract

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is considered one of the paths leading towards a sustainable future. However, work in ESD must be responsive to the local context and culture in order to be accepted by the people involved. This article examines how together-telling can be used as a means for collaborative future-making in ESD. By reflecting on cultural differences in nature relationships and manners of communication, together-telling is suggested as an approach to give space to voices other than those dominating the global sustainability narratives. The focus is on a respectful way of bringing together and learning from different perspectives of Western-European and Arctic Indigenous cultures in the context of sustainability. A study from Greenland is used as an example from an Indigenous culture in Northern Europe.


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