Facilitating networked learning with AI


  • Annette Q Pedersen University of Copenhagen


AI in higher education, collaboration, cooperation, networked learning


The breakthrough of generative AI is disrupting education in many ways and universities and other educational institutions are tasked with navigating a host of new challenges. But in the classroom we might be seeing a familiar pattern: As with most new technologies in the classroom, there is a tendency to design exercises as individual tasks: AI as your personal tutor, AI as a Study Buddy, AI as your editor / idea generator / etc. However, if we believe that learners construct knowledge rather than just passively receive information, it is crucial that we discuss questions like these:

  • How can we design good cooperative and collaborative learning environments for students?
  • How can we design good exercises for with AI – considering that learning is not just transfer (or cramming) of information?
  • How can we maintain a balance between AI assistance and human interaction in the learning environment?
  • How can we encourage peer-to-peer learning and social engagement?
  • How generative AI can enhance group discussions, facilitate idea generation, and support collaborative problem-solving?
  • What are the best strategies to prevent the over-individualization of the learning process when incorporating generative AI?

And not least:

  • How can we best prepare teachers to use AI in their teaching?
  • How can institutions best support teachers and students in this?




How to Cite

Pedersen, A. Q. (2024). Facilitating networked learning with AI. Networked Learning Conference, 14(1). Retrieved from https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/nlc/article/view/8186